Through the “RSVP” program, our council collects money for the support of the seminarians in our diocese. The nominal contribution for the year is $15.00. Some brothers contribute $10, $25, $50, throughout the year or more as your dedication to seminarian support dictates. Any amount is always appreciated. Our council goal is $1000.00.
This program is open to all including memoriam for deceased loved ones. Cash or Check donations may be made at our council meetings. Please make your checks payable to: K of C #3580 and note RSVP on the notation line so we can keep track of the funds. Please see Rich McKeon for more information.
For the past few years, our annual Threshers Night at the Ballpark has helped fund this worthy program. This past fraternal year (2023-24), we have provided three of our seminarians each a check of $500 and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to match this again for 2024-25.
Total Collections to Date: $1300.00
Thank you for your continued support!